Aerosol Assist ROI Calculator

Use this form to help understand and translate the cost savings when using the Aerosol Assist to provide high performance Aerosol Suppression as well as intraoral fluid removal. It is important to understand the cost benefits of switching to the Aerosol Assist to offer aerosol suppression for every procedure. When properly implemented on every procedure, the other aerosol suppression devices become VERY costly. The return on your investment is clear when comparing the Aerosol Assist to alternatives.

Cost Calculator
Select the number of patients your practice(s) see per day.
Product *
Select the product you currently use, or intend on using for aerosol suppression.

Cost per month assuming selected product cost, and selected number of patients per day. Cost calculations include cost of consumables, and wear and tear. This is considering ONLY 20 work days per month.

Cumulative cost of using the selected device over the course of a year.

Annual Cost when using the Aerosol Assist using the same calculations. This assumes $299 distributor pricing and a 150 use life cycle.

This is how much you will save annually by using the Aerosol Assist for aerosol suppression over the selected alternative product.